Hillstriders Sunday Training Group - This is the Sunday training group that meets every Sunday all year long for longer runs. During the summer, this group is training for a Marathon, so the mileage follows a training plan geared towards the completion of a Marathon. See the Training Group page for more details.
Hillstriders Track Group - This group is dedicated to track workouts. Track workouts help to improve speed and performance. See the Track page for more details.
Hillstriders Biking group - This is a newer group for Hillstriders to come together and go for a bike ride. Ride distances and routes will vary.
Hillstriders Community - General discussion group for meeting up at an event, going out to have some fun, and Beach run updates
Hillstriders Circuit Races group - Discussion on circuit race info and general questions about the circuit races - See Circuit Race page for details
There are several activities going on in the Hillstriders community. The club is now part of the GroupMe app for easy communication for various activities. If you would like to be part of one of the groups Download the GroupMe app from the apple store or Google Play. After you download the app click on one of the links below to be added to that group. You can always leave the group and re-join at anytime. Why so many groups? different topics for a variety of people. Not everyone will be interested in every topic.