Note: This is for fun only, no awards of monetary value will be given.
Join the GroupMe communication channel for updates on events and general communication
GroupMe page for details and add yourself to the team. 

Circuit Awards​
- Race Circuit Points Award:                  Most Age Category Points
- Bronze Circuit Award:                          Complete 5 or more Circuit Races
- Silver Circuit Award:                            Complete 10 or more Circuit Races
- Gold Circuit Award:                             Complete all Circuit Races
- Most Races Marathon or Longer:        Total Races
- Most Miles Raced Marathon or Longer:     Total Miles Raced

Hillstrider Club Circuit Races


The Hillstriders Circuit Races ​are a series of local races with the intent of bringing runners together and having fun. There are no cash prizes or awards of value for completing the series of races, this is just for fun. 
​Race Day:
1.)  Wear your Hillstriders Race Shirt!
2.)  Look for Red EasyUp with Hillstriders Banner to Meet Before Race.
3.)  Pre Race Photo 10 Minutes Before Start.
4.)  Register for Race as a Hillstriders Team Member
5.)  Share Snacks and Drinks After the Race.
6.)  Enjoy the Race and Post Race with other Hillstriders. 
7.)  Recruit New Hillstriders!

1.) ​ Your membership must be up to date to participate. 
​2.)  Registration and payment for the races listed are on your own. The club is not responsible for any payments. 
​3.)  Runners are highly encouraged to wear a Hillstriders shirt. Race team shirts will be available for purchase.
4.)  You must actually participate in the race, giving away your bib or having someone run in your name does not qualify.
5.)  Points will be scored in each race for each age group category with the top 15 age place runners receiving points (15 for first, 14 for second, etc, 1 for fifteenth).  Points will be accumulated for all races competed and awards will be determined for the top point earners.    
6.)  Race completion awards may be given for those completing the most Circuit Races.7.)  A separate category for Marathons and Ultras is being created.  Recognition for the most races completed of length Marathon or longer and the most miles raced at Marathon or longer will be made at the end of the season.  Submit your race information at Marathon/Longer Race Submission.